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Software Assurance Tips
A product of the Software Assurance Tips Team[1]

Kevin Keen

Monday 15th May, 2023

1 Checkmarx: Use of Obsolete Function

Updated Saturday 13th May, 2023

One of the things that Checkmarx can scan for is Use of Obsolete Functions. While scanning some Java code recently, we were pleasantly surprised to find that the scanner is smart enough to look at the definition of a method and, if the implementation is marked with the @Deprecated annotation, it will mark the call site as a finding. This is desired behavior, and we applaud the scanner for considering that annotation. That having been said, there are several frequent false positives for which to watch. We speculate that much of the scanning for this particular finding is based on a purely text search.

Some of the false positives we saw were flagging hashCode as an obsolete function. This made no sense to us, as hashCode is an integral part of the language and has never been deprecated to our knowledge. Upon further inspection, it became apparent that the only uses of hashCode which were being flagged were on instances where the variable was named identity. There was an Identity class (java.security.Identity) which has long since been deprecated. As the whole class was deprecated, that included the hashCode method of that class. We presume a text search is being performed that will flag any identity.hashCode as deprecated regardless of whether or not the variable identity is actually a java.security.Identity object.

Another group of false positives stem from the use of component and size. These findings flag the use of the size() method as obsolete. It appears that methods or variables ending in component, which have a size() method called on it such as component().size() will trigger this finding. There is a deprecated size method which is a part of the awt Component class. We speculate that this false positive is a result of text searches that assume any component.size() is an awt Component whether it is or not.

Another class of false positives is particularly bothersome. It appears that if any version of a method carries the @Deprecated annotation, then all overloads of that method will be considered deprecated by this scanner. Ideally, we would like to see the scanner take into account the type / order of parameters and only flag the invocations of the method that were actually annotated as deprecated.

Lastly, we have seen uses of toString marked as obsolete. There did appear to be a bit more context awareness with these findings, as the variable names were allowed a wider degree of variation. The commonality in these toString findings was the class of the variable. In all cases they were of class Permission. There is an interface in Java named Permission which has been deprecated (java.security.acl.Permission). We speculate that all objects declared to be of a class named Permission which call toString will be flagged regardless of whether or not they implement the java.security.acl.Permission interface.

There are likely other false positives to be found. Although this scanner can provide some useful information, we hope to see it updated in the future to incorporate more type checking.



Jon Hood, ed. SwATips. https://www.SwATips.com/.